Enjoying swans and ducks on our lakes and waterways is one of the great pleasures of living on the Gold Coast. At any one time there are about 300 swans on the Goldie.
I’m often asked, ‘what’s the best food for swans?’ It definitely isn’t bread. Bread is not good for any species of bird. Their digestive system is not designed to metabolize refined flour, preservatives, yeast or refined sugar. And yet bread to a swan is like lollies (candy) to a kid. They’ll gollop it down. Same is true for ducks.
Bread displaces the natural foods the birds should be eating. It’s very high in protein compared to a swan’s natural diet of water weeds. If swans eat too much bread, for too long, they become weak and breed unhealthy young. If cygnets (baby swans) eat a lot of bread (or other grains) they can experience a growth spurt causing their body to develop too quickly for their legs. Some become plump to a point where they can barely stand or walk.
Parent swans, fed a lot of bread, can hatch cygnets that suffer from a condition called ‘angel wing’ (pic at left). This is a deformity of the outer wing joint(s) causing the feathers on one, or both wings, to grow out sideways. Birds with angel wing will never fly and are often bullied and shunned by fellow swans. Swans, ducks, other water birds and domestic poultry can all develop angel wing from eating bread or being fed too much grain foods.
If moldy bread is fed to swans or ducks, it can kill them.
You’ll notice that in the wild swans dip their head underwater. They do this to feed on the stems and roots of water weeds. These ‘green foods’ are a swan’s natural diet, supplemented by grasses on the land, plus the occasional bug or insect.
I know that bread is very convenient and clearly swans and ducks love it, but to maintain good health they need to eat a natural diet, or foods as close to their natural diet as possible.
The following foods are suitable for swans and ducks, but only as a snack ….
Rip up lettuce and toss it into the shallows where swans can reach it. Don’t feel disappointed if they turn up their nose as if to ask, ‘where’s the bread?’
Or, you can sprinkle sweet corn kernels or peas, from a can (or defrosted), into the shallows. Most swans love these.
Alternatively, fill a low bowl with clean water (direct from the tap, NEVER from a hose) and drop in a handful of torn-up lettuce. Garnish with some sweet corn kernels or peas (or both). Healthful additions are finely shredded silver beet, kale or chopped broccoli. This nutritious ‘swan soup’ is good for swans and ducks but keep in mind that corn or peas, given in excess, are too high in protein and therefore no better than bread. (never offer garlic, onion or chili containing foods)
When putting food or fresh water out for swans and ducks the bowl must be left in the shade. Only ever leave in direct sun for a few minutes max, or it will become seriously unpalatable.
It’s preferable not to feed wild birds at all, so if you must feed them, do the right thing and only provide foods which are close to a swan’s natural diet of waterweeds and grasses and only enough for a tasty treat, not a meal. This will help to ensure they grow into beautiful, healthy birds.