Kookaburras, currawongs, crows, butcher birds, magpies and pee wees (mudlarks) The above bird species are common in Australian gardens. All humanize easily and can become dependent on handouts of food. Ultimately this causes problems for them and other birds. All creatures need to eat a natural diet to be healthy. Unnatural food, provided by most humans, weakens birds. It fills them up, taking … [Read more...]
* Feeding Wild Parrots and Cockatoos
Many homes on the Gold Coast receive regular visits from parrots and cockatoos. These noisy, gregarious birds are great fun. We never recommend feeding any wildlife but if you insist on feeding wild birds you have a responsibility to give them the right food. Otherwise you can do great harm. Lorikeets Let's begin with what not to feed lorikeets. Never give a lorikeet bread and honey, or … [Read more...]
* Feeding Swans and Ducks
Enjoying swans and ducks on our lakes and waterways is one of the great pleasures of living on the Gold Coast. At any one time there are about 300 swans on the Goldie. I’m often asked, ‘what’s the best food for swans?’ It definitely isn’t bread. Bread is not good for any species of bird. Their digestive system is not designed to metabolize refined flour, preservatives, yeast or refined sugar. And … [Read more...]
* Feeding Pelicans
Wildlife carers do not recommend giving food to any wild bird including pelicans. Feeding subverts many of a pelican’s natural instincts and behaviors. What initially might seem like an act of kindness invariably leads to suffering for the bird. The pelican’s natural diet is fish. If you feed a pelican anything other than fish it will eventually become sick. They can become listless, … [Read more...]